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Council Minutes - 2021

January 2021

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 5th January 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. J Thompson Vice Chairman, Cllr. A Critchley, Cllr. J Critchley, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr. H Fletcher, Cllr. A Mavros, Cllr. M Neal, and Cllr. R Plant There being members of the public in attendance the Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming them and advising that he will deal with issues relating to Hill Top Cemetery under Matters Arising from previous meeting. All of the attendees were interested in becoming Councillors and were invited to stay and watch proceedings. 1. Apologies for Absence Cllr I Stokes – Work Commitments 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations Cllr. Thompson declared in interest in the Accounts for Payment having been repaid for spring bulbs purchased for the grass verges by the church and plant feed for the High Street hanging baskets. 3. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman as a true record proposed by Cllr. Thompson and seconded by Cllr. A Critchley. 4. Matters Arising:- Hill Top Terms and Conditions:- The public forum opened and a discussion took place with regard to the proposed amended terms and conditions for Hill Top Cemetery. It was thought that the proposed metre length for the maintained area was too long and it was agreed that this should be shortened to ½ a metre as this would be more manageable. It was also discussed that one of the terms should be annual plants only rather than perennials. It was also requested that a disclaimer be inserted in case of any damage is caused to plants, vases, ornaments etc either by the Parish Council or their contractor so that they are not responsible for damage. All the above amendments were agreed and a re-worded document will be circulated for final approval. 5. Correspondence and Circulation Correspondence received from Virgin Money advising Yorkshire Bank is to be amalgamated with Virgin Money. No action need be taken by the Parish Council with regard to the switch. Update received from Cllr. Maughan with regard to highway encroachment at Toll Bar Road. Email received from LCC advising of contribution towards verge cutting for 2021-22 in the sum of £1052.47 Updated Electoral Register received from SKDC. Email received from LALC with regard to proposed S137 charity payment to LALC in the sum of £20 to be made in respect of help received in setting up the new web site. This was proposed by Cllr Hutchinson, seconded by Cllr. Thompson and unanimously agreed. Email received from Duncan & Toplis advising our application to the Margaret Brown Trust for a grant towards the cost of the new defibrillator had been agreed. Email received from villager expressing concerns with regard to activities on the all-weather pitch. This was passed to the Memorial Hall to deal with. Cllr. Thompson advised that the all-weather pitch is kept open due to vandalism reasons and that it was up to the general public to obey lockdown rules. An application for Co-option had been received from Mr N Johnson, this together with other applications are to be dealt with at the March meeting. There being no deadline previously quoted it was requested all applications to be with the Clerk by Tuesday 23rd February 12 noon Unanimously agreed to defer to March meeting. The Chairman explained the voting system which would take place for the Co-option of the new Councillor. 6. Clerk and Members to report back on matters outstanding Acknowledgment has been received from Fix My Street with regard to the broken stiles on Footpath No3 reported following the last meeting confirming they will receive attention. 7. Financial Matters a) Quarterly Summary of Accounts to 30th December 2020 – the spreadsheet showing the summary had been distributed to all Councillors prior to the meeting and no questions were raised. The Clerk’s Budget Report had also been distributed and again no questions were forthcoming. Both documents attached to Minutes. The Chairman confirmed the Bank balances b) Accounts for Payment The following spreadsheet was circulated to all Councillors before meeting: Jan20tbl1 No issues raised and payment was agreed proposed by Cllr. A Critchley, seconded by Cllr. Fletcher. New payee Laser Tech agreed. c) Agree Budget for 2021/22 Several Items of proposed expenditure were presented for consideration: a) Provision of dog bins for the village with a proposed budget of £1000. It was advised that each dog bin would cost in the region of £115 but it would not be feasible to ask volunteers to empty the bins on a regular basis. The Clerk was asked to ascertain how much a contractor would charge for this service and would report back to the next meeting in March before a decision could be made. b) Solar Traffic Calming - following the meeting in November the Clerk was contacted by a French Company called ElanCity who provided the following quotation: Solar Speed sign would be £1889 plus £30 for clips and then the cost of a post. The cost of a battery operated sign would be £1850, the advantage of this is that it could be moved round the village. The signs are compatible with Windows and data is downloaded through wi-fi. The message can also be changed. The previous quotes were for £3955 and £3274 (solar) and £3825 (battery). A discussion took place and it was agreed to see how the hand held speed gun scheme works once the restriction surrounding Covid are lifted. The Clerk advised that the speed gun and hi-viz jackets had been received but training was on hold until restrictions were lifted. c) Picnic Bench for the Field. This project was given the go ahead and Cllr. Davey is making the arrangements. This was proposed by Cllr. Davey and seconded by Cllr. Fletcher. All in favour. d) The new Bench incorporating the Covid Lockdown stones for the Pond area in the sum of £1500 was also agreed. Proposed by Cllr. Hutchinson, seconded by Cllr. J Critchley. e) Six White Entrance Gates for the village costing £4000. Again discussed and thought would look good but there could be a problem placing them on Newark Hill. It was though agreed to go ahead with the proposal despite the fact it could be that only four gates will be possible. The quotation is for £4000, with provision of £2000 in the budget, the remaining monies to come from reserves. The Chairman asked if there were any other additions to the Budget. Cllr Thompson requested the restoration of the bell tower at the school be revisited soon. The full agreed budget is attached to these Minutes. 8. Advisory Groups a) Planning Applications S20/1816 Mr George Thomas 36 Long Street, Great Gonerby Listed Building Consent – Replacement roof to rear extension. S20/1926 Mr and Mrs Fowler-Birch 33 Belvoir Gardens, Great Gonerby Resubmission of approved scheme – Single storey extension to side and rear of existing dwelling. S20/1927 Mr S Martin The Old Bakehouse, 18 High Street, Great Gonerby Replace Windows in the house – Listed Building Consent. S20/2066 Mr Marsh 16 Green Street, Great Gonerby T1 – Reduce horse chestnut by up to 2m, around 1/3 in total size. Give more clearance away from building, up to 2.5m. S20/2089 Mrs L Gamble-Creswell 31B Long Street, Great Gonerby Proposed single story extension to rear of existing dwellings including garage conversion. S20/2111 Mrs M Embling 9B Grantham Road, Great Gonerby Section 73 application for the removal of condition 3 (boundary hedging) of planning approval S05/1628 GRANTED PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER: S20/1292 (PL/0081/20) DEVELOPMENT: TO VARY CONDITION 2 AND 7 OF PLANNING PERMISSION REF: S37/1976/16 – TO REFLECT PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE SITE LANDSCAPE PLANTING SCHEME LOCATION: GRANTHAM WASTE TRANSFER STATION, OCCUPATION ROAD, GREAT GONERBY Lincolnshire County Council has granted permission for the development referred to above. A copy of the Decision Notice is attached for your information. S20/1664 Mr L Borrett 44 Manor Drive, Great Gonerby Take down existing out house and replace it with a single storey garage to the side of the property. S20/1705 Mr and Mrs Whitney 4 Pond Street, Great Gonerby Submission of details reserved by Conditions 3 (soft and hard landscaping detail) and 5 (Land Levels) of planning approval S19/1901 (Erection of bungalow and detached double garage) S20/1816 Mr G Thomas 36 Long Street, Great Gonerby Replacement of roof to rear extension S20/1926 33 Belvoir Gardens Single storey extension to side and rear of existing building (resubmission of approved scheme S20/1329) NOTIFICATIONS Public Speaking at Planning Committee reference Section 73 application for removal of Condition 8 (pedestrian footway) and vary conditions 2 (approved plans) and condition 6 (schedule of materials, of planning permission S19/1136 b) The Environment Cllr. Thompson confirmed a “walking party” would soon be convened to try and re-establish the correct route of Footpath 4. Cllr. Maughan advised that he was inviting the Environmental Office to join the walk. c) Amenity Areas i) Burial Ground Fees: The clerk advised that fees at St Sebastian’s had not been increased since 2016. A discussion took place and it was agreed to increase the fees by 10% with effect from 1st April 2021. It was agreed that fees at Hill Top Cemetery are to remain the same as they were increased by 5% in April 2020. Proposed by Cllr. Thompson and seconded by Cllr A Critchley. Unanimously agreed. ii) Maintenance to Flagpole and lamp post on corner of Long Street Cllr. Fletcher advised that the flag pole could do with a wash and offered to do this when the weather is a bit warmer. It was also reported that the black paint to the Lamp Post on the corner of Long Street is peeling and needs attention. Cost to come from maintenance budget. iii) Neighbourhood Scheme Cllr Neal spoke of the Good Neighbourhood Scheme and enquired if there was a similar scheme already in existence in the village. A long discussion took place about Facebook, the Community, Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, and general involvement of villagers in many ways. Cllr. Neal will make further enquiries to ascertain the viability of the scheme including inviting Samantha Smith, Senior Rural Officer of the Good Neighbourhood Scheme, to address the next meeting and including a link on the Community Facebook page. It was suggest that the Parish Council have a page linked to Facebook to publicise their minutes and make announcements and this is something that will be looked into and discussed again at the March meeting. Cllr. Fletcher asked if it would be possible to have a communications boards at the bus stops but this has been done before and the boards were vandalised. Not agreed. d) Highway Matters Cllr Maugham’s December and January Hough Reports were circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr. Maughan advised that he is chasing LCC with regard to the promised assessment of the zebra crossing with a view to changing the layout of the safety zone and he appealed to villagers to contact him with their concerns about the crossing. It was pointed out that not all villagers know how to contact but Cllr Maughan advised that he monitors comments and gives contact details. Villagers are encouraged to report pot holes/lighting/over grown hedges etc to LCC through Fix My Street, a link to this can be found on the Parish Council web site. Cllr Maughan was informed some cats’ eyes were not working on the A1 slip road and he is dealing with this. 9. Staffing Matters – Set appraisal dates for February The Chairman advised that he would advise dates to the Clerk and Community Cleaner. 10. Notice of motions for future meetings The Clerk was requested to add Communications to the March Agenda. 11. Any matters for Urgent Discussion The Chairman asked for volunteers to take special responsibility for village areas. This was discussed and agreed. The Clerk advised that Ladywell Pay will cease trading at the end of March so it will be necessary to find another company to handle the Parish Council Payroll. The Clerk requested a new filing cabinet be purchased as the current metal one does not open and close properly any more. This was agreed There being no further Business the meeting closed at 21.40 BUDGET REPORT As at the end of Quarter 3 I can advise the following:- Expenditure: Hall rent has been paid in the sum of £220 Office costs running well within budget, £395 spent against a budget of £500 As previously advised, subscriptions are showing a very slight excess (£1) this year I advised in November that donations are showing an excess due to £500 grant received from LCC for help during Covid lockdown and this figure will be carried through to the end of the year. Insurance costs slightly in excess of budget by £30. Audit fees paid £320 against a budget of £400 Still no training expenses Expenses to date total £631 against a predicted budget of £627. Other payments are showing an excess at the present time £14,296 against a predicted budget of £12,423 but I heard just before Christmas that our application for a Grant towards the cost of the second defibrillator and I am pleased to advise that the Margaret Brown Trust have awarded us a grant of £1,800 towards the total cost which was £2140 including the installation. Maintenance costs are running within budget having spent £8883 against a budget of 10,713 and I am confident the end of year figures will be within budget. Income: Burial predicted Income is in excess of budget as a number of villagers have reserved plots. Jan20tbl2

March 2021

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 2nd March 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. J Thompson Vice Chairman, Cllr. A Critchley, Cllr. J Critchley, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr. H Fletcher, Cllr. A Mavros, Cllr. M Neal, and Cllr. I Stokes, Cllr. A Maughan LCC There being members of the public in attendance the Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming Samantha Smith from the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and four villagers. Samantha Smith had been invited to give a presentation on how the Good Neighbour Scheme works and what benefits would be afforded to the village. The scheme is in operation across Lincolnshire and is a small constituted, not for profit organisation. Should the scheme go ahead it would be run by an organising committee and a group of volunteers to provide day-to-day support for the residents of the village. It is acknowledged the Scheme is not something for the Parish Council to get involve with but would support during set up if it was decided to take the scheme forward. It was agreed that a resident survey would be arranged through GNS, however, help with delivery of the survey to residents would be needed. The Chairman thanked Samantha Smith for her presentation. The villager spoke of the problems with dog fouling in the village which had been bought to a head on Facebook and advised that a working party had been set up to try and combat the problem by spraying deposits with chalk spray to high light the problem. The volunteers are marking dog fouling and phoning SKDC to remove and the scheme seems to be working. In week one there were 35 sprays, Week 2 19 sprays but it was snowing, Week 3 23 sprays and Week 4 21 sprays. Following spraying the dog deposits are being removed quickly. A discussion followed with regard to CCTV cameras being used to monitor in attempt to name and shame but this is something that the Parish Council are not able to help with. 1. Apologies for Absence Cllr R Plant – Work Commitments Apologies to be recorded only 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations Cllr. Critchley declared an interest in Planning Application No. PL/0132/20 3. Co-option of New Councillor The Chairman invited the three applicants to introduce themselves. Matthew Davey-Dunderdale advised that he wants to be part of the community having lived in the village for the past 10 years. Alan Davey confirmed his support for Matthew Davey-Dunderdale as he was young and then advised that he was withdrawing his application. Nicholas Johnson advised that he had lived in the village almost all his life and was passionate about helping the village. The Chairman confirmed there were just two applicants for the one vacancy and invited the Councillors to vote. The first round of voting took place Matthew Davey-Danderdale Six Votes Nicholas Johnson Three Votes The Chairman confirmed Matthew Davey-Dunderdale had duly been elected as Councillor for the Gonerby Ward. 4. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman as a true record proposed by Cllr. Davey and seconded by Cllr. Thompson. 5. Clerk and Members to report back on matters outstanding:- Confidential Report from 5th November signed as a true record. Communications: It was agreed that further consideration needed to be given to linking the Parish Council website to the village Facebook page. Mural and Wall – Cllr. Stokes was thanked for his contribution towards the restoration of the two murals which are now restored. The intention was to put the murals on the wall near the Parish Council Notice board and offer a contribution to make the wall one course higher when built. The owner of the wall is not in agreement as all bricks have to match. It is felt there will still be enough height to display the murals on the wall but we need to wait until the wall is rebuilt. Update on Footpath No.4 – A zoom meeting was held recently with the Senior Definitive Map Officer following which is was agreed an appeal would be lodged to try and get this matter prioritised. The matter is still ongoing and Cllr. Maughan is liaising with Cllr. Thompson on the best way forward. Dog Waste Bins – The Clerk had circulated the likely costs involved for providing dog bin for the village and after a discussion it was felt that even providing dog bins would probably not solve the problem in the village. It was agreed to wait until the Facebook initiative of spraying the fouling finished at Easter to see if there were any improvements had been noticed. It was discussed that there a number of SKDC black litter bins in the High Street and the Clerk was requested to ask SKDC if they would be able to move one of the bins to the corner of Belvoir Gardens/Pond Street. 6. Correspondence and Circulation The Chairman advised that having initially fitted the Church Clock Smiths of Derby had been responsible for maintenance and the annual service. However, having submitted a huge quote for repair works it was decided to seek further quotations for the repairs. Time Assured were contacted and visited the site, produced a detailed quotation for the proposed repair works, carried out the first stage of the proposed works and managed to get the clock going again first time. The cost was half that quoted by Smith of Derby. It has also been decided to take up a maintenance contract with Time Assured for the annual service at a cost of £140. Problems with High Street parking on the corner of Green Street have been reported to the Police and they are monitoring the situation. LALC have advised details of the Annual Training Scheme, it was decide not to join the scheme but to pay for any training as and when needed. Notification received from SKDC of £300 awarded under the SKDC Member Grant Scheme had been approved. Money to be allocated towards the cost of a new pump for watering hanging baskets in the High Street, restoration of the two murals and fixing to wall. SKDC sent updated Register of Electors. Email received from parishioner regarding concerns re the CCTV cameras and lighting at Hill Top Cemetery. A discussion followed and it was agreed that the Parish Council have already put a lot of money and effort into making the cemetery safe but it was agreed to leave the security as it is for the time being. The question of gates to the driveway was also discussed again and it was agreed that gates were not thought to be viable. Correspondence received from Cllr. Maughan regarding the proposed Solar farm off Cliff Lane, Marston and money available for the possibility of a new road but no further information is known at present. Virgin Money have written to the Parish Council advising our Yorkshire Bank accounts are changing to Virgin Money shortly. LALC have written regarding Digital Storage and the implications following Brexit but does not affect GGPC has nothing stored digitally. Email received from Cllr. Thompson advising that he will be stepping down as a Councillor at the Annual Parish meeting to be held in July. Cllr. Thompson has said he will continue to do all he can to help in the village going forward. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Thompson for the many many years he has given to the village and thanked him for all his support. Cllr. Thompson received offers of help with the Church clock going forward. The Chairman also took the opportunity to re-iterate that he is more than happy to step aside as Chairman should any other Councillor want to take on the role. The offer will stand as it has done for the last four years. 7. Financial Matters The following report was presented by the Clerk to all Councillors:- As we near the end of the financial year I am pleased to report that the budget forecast for 2020/21 has worked well. There are a couple of exceptions:- 1. Office Costs this is now over budget as we have bought a new filing cabinet for the Clerk. 2. “Other” Payments (general maintenance, loan repayments, repairs to church clock, war memorial maintenance) are above budget by £2353 as we purchased a new defibrillator (2140 plus annual service agreement £135) which was not allowed for in the budget and we have also carried out repairs to the church clock in the sum of £840. 3. Parks and Open expenditure is also over budget – spent £3371 against a budget of£2953. This is due to unexpected repairs to the white posts on the Pinfold, and we have purchased hi-vis vests and a hand held speed gun for the Speed Awareness initiative we will be undertaking. 4. Burial Ground Maintenance is below budget having spent £6498 against a budget of £7760. This was expected. 5. There is an excess spend on staff salaries following the agreement to increase the Clerk’s paid hours. The Bank balances are healthy as at 24.02.21:- Current Account: £1034.26 Deposit Account: £10,396.09 Term Deposit: £30,246.92 Expenses: £50.02 Other Matters:- The Clerk reported that the burial plot plan at Hill Top Cemetery has not worked out quite as expected. We need to allow for access to the hawthorn hedge and therefore we are now two plots short on each row. The Clerk advised last meeting that Ladywell Accountancy Services were ceasing trading at the end of March, I can now inform the Councillor that CST Accountancy Services will be looking after our payroll from the 1st April. The new cost will be £70 per annum, Ladywell were charging £69. a) Accounts for Payment ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT MARCH 2021 05.01.21 Mr J Brearley Christmas Tree Lights Payment 35.00 08.01.21 E-on Electrict for Hill Top 73.84 11.01.21 Ryman 3 Drawer Filing Cabinet 79.99 15.02.21 LALC Donation to P Langford in respect of web site set up 20.00 14.01.21 Janet Walker Post Office Transaction - Purchase of 24 x 2nd Class Stamps 15.84 14.01.21 Janet Walker Post Office debited JW's card instead of GGPC Expenses Card which was credited 15.84 20.01.21 Wilko Flash Drive for New Councillor Documents 9.00 23.01.21 Amazon Ring Binders and Lever Arch File 14.19 25.01.21 Amazon Lever Arch File 8.14 27.01.21 Staff Salaries January wages and computer 548.03 27.01.21 Viking Filing Cabinet 119.99 01.02.21 Rob Cole Mural Restoration 100.00 01.02.21 J Thompson (Scotts of Stow) New Pump for watering High Street Planters 79.95 05.02.21 EnvironmentSK Hedge Cutting at St Sebastian's 319.61 05.02.21 EnvironmentSK Hedge Cutting Grantham Road 287.64 05.02.21 EnvironmentSK Hedge Cutting Hill Top Cemetery 433.25 05.02.21 Great Gonerby Memorial Hall Wi-fi Payment for 12 months 60.00 15.02.21 Post Office 12 x 2nd class stamps 7.92 19.02.21 Smith of Derby Church Clock Service 302.40 11.02.21 Amazon Print Cartridges 29.99 22.02.21 Time Assured Ltd Church Clock Repairs 864.00 27.02.21 Staff Salaries February wages and computer 548.03 RECEIPTS 14.01.21 Post Office (ATM Withdrawal Link) Expenses Account Transaction credit passed instead of debit 15.84 22.01.21 M Beck Supplementary Maintenance Fee 30.00 25.01.21 Amazon Refund Lever Arch File 6.69 25.01.21 N Johnson Supplementary Maintenance Fee 30.00 25.01.21 J Iddison Supplementary Maintenance Fee 30.00 28.01.21 C Divall Supplementary Maintenance Fee 30.00 31.01.21 Yorkshire Bank Term Deposit Interest 11.56 04.02.20 Rymans Refund for Filing Cabinet 79.99 05.02.21 SKDC WM Grant Scheme 300.00 11.02.21 Thornalley Funeral Services Cemetery Fees - Holmes Plot 4E 110.00 15.02.21 Robert Holland Cemetery Fees - Purchase Plot 1Z 460.00 No issues raised and payments were agreed proposed by Cllr. A Critchley, seconded by Cllr. Fletcher. New payee Time Assured an Eon agreed. b) Regular Payments - The new Schedule was duly signed by the Chairman c) Bank Transfer Payments – The new schedule was duly signed by the Chairman 8. Advisory Groups:- a) Planning Applications APPLICATIONS LCC PL/0132/20 Hook Cliff Farm, Newark Hill, Great Gonerby Development for Green Waste Storage and processing for cattle bedding for use on farm holding, separation of logs from Green Waste Stream for storage and splitting for onward sale to domestic customers. Letter from SKDC to LCC Planning – No objections raised. S18/1457 Mr M Mann Land to the north of Longcliffe Road, Grantham Submission for approval of reserved matters (aorm) relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 480 residential units pursuant to outline permission S15/3189 S20/1485 Mr Paul Comer Moto Service Area, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby Expansion of the existing HGV parking to form an additional 40 spaces in two areas of underdeveloped site. APPROVED S20/2066 Mr Marsh 16 Green Lane, Great Gonerby T1 – Reduce horse chestnut by up to 2m, around 1/3rd of total size to give more clearance away from building up to 2.5m. S20/2089 Mrs L Gamble-Creswell 31B Long Street, Great Gonerby Proposed Single storey extension to rear of existing dwellings including garage conversion. S20/211 Mrs M Embling 9B Grantham Road, Great Gonerby Section 73 application for the variation of condition 3 (boundary hedging) of planning approval S05/1628 S20/1485 Mr Paul Comer Moto Service Area, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby Expansion of the existing HGV parking to form an additional 40 spaces in two areas of the underdeveloped site. b) The Environment Cllr. Thompson advised that the Playground equipment at the Memorial Hall was in need of replacement/up-dating and presented a request from the Trustees that the Parish Council give thought to helping toward the likely costs. A discussion took place and it was agreed that the Parish Council would look at the Lease to establish their obligations in this respect. It was agreed that the playground did need attention and the Chairman asked if the Trustees of the Memorial Hall could make enquiries as to any grants available for the purpose. The Chairman confirmed the Parish Council’s position in as much as that financial help would be given if needed and that he would be happy to discuss the matter with the Trustees. Cllr. Stokes advised of Community funds being available from SKDC and agreed to make enquiries. Cllr. Davey advised that she was still waiting to hear back from the Trustees of the Memorial Hall as to whether or not they would approve the siting of a picnic bench near the Millennium wood. Cllr. Hutchinson advised that he is making progress with the bench for the Pond and had been in touch with a Company called Roll and Scroll. c) Highway Matters Cllr. Maughan advised that he has a meeting next week with the Highways Manager to discuss the state of the village roads. He confirmed the matter of the zebra crossing and promised survey would be carried out following the return to normality. The chairman advised that a meeting had taken place with JAC, the company who supply white gates and that three sites had been identified. It is proposed that 1200m wide gates would be installed with Welcome to Great Gonerby and speed signs. 9. Notice of motions for future meetings It was agreed to delay the Annual Parish Meeting until July when it was hoped Covid restrictions will have been eased. 11. Any matters for Urgent Discussion The Chairman requested consideration be given to something for the village going forward. A discussion took place re a village Fayre or similar, or a Village Day. Councillors are to report back with ideas. Restoration of the School Bell tower was discussed and the feasibility of this is going to be looked into. To be added to Agenda for May. There being no further Business the meeting closed at 22.00 Flag Flying Days: April 21st Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II April 23rd St. George’s Day May 8th V.E. Day (Victory in Europe)

May 2021

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. J Thompson Vice Chairman, Cllr. A Critchley, Cllr. J Critchley, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr. M Davey-Dunderdale, Cllr. H Fletcher, Cllr. A Mavros, Cllr. M Neal, Cllr R Plant and Cllr. I Stokes . Cllr. A Maughan LCC One member of the public was welcomed to the Parish Council Meeting. 1. Apologies for Absence None 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations Cllr. Critchley declared an interest in Planning Application No. PL/0132/20. 3. a) Nomination of Chairman and Vice Chairman Cllr. Hutchinson confirmed that he would be happy to stand down if there was another Councillor who would like to take on the role of Chairman. There being no volunteers Cllr. Hutchinson confirmed that he would be willing to stand as Chairman again. Proposed by Cllr. Stokes and Seconded by Cllr. Thompson. The Chairman advised that the position of Vice Chairman needed to be re-elected as after 51 years Cllr. Thompson proposed to retired as a Councillor at the Parish Council’s July meeting. The Chairman asked for a show of hands as to who may be interested in the Vice Chairman’s role. Cllrs. Davey and Fletcher raised their hands. There followed a vote by show of hands with the following result Cllr Davey 4 in favour Cllr Fletcher 5 in favour Cllr Fletcher was duly elected as Vice Chairman. The Chairman advised that he would meet with Cllr. Fletcher to arrange for necessary forms of office to be signed. The Chairman sincerely thanked Cllr. Thompson for all his support during his Vice Chairmanship. 4. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman as a true record proposed by Cllr. Davey and seconded by Cllr. Thompson. 5. Official Correspondence Correspondence received from Virgin Money advising of reduction in interest rates applicable to the 95 Day Business Account. Correspondence received from Virgin Money confirming Interest payments for the year to 5th April 2021 Email received from Cllr. Maughan with regard to the proposed Solar Farm at Marston and the possibility of a link road. BP Lighthouse have declined to take up the suggestion. It was further thought that the development was no longer going ahead. Email received from SKDC with regard to our request to move one of the waste bins in the High Street to the top of Pond Street. It is understood that this has taken place. Business Rates Bill received from SKDC with regard to Hill Top Cemetery – nothing payable. Copy correspondence received from Baroness Vere of Norbiton addressed to Dr Caroline Johnson regarding proposed improvements to the A1. Cllr. Maughan advised that discussions were ongoing and it was proposed to meet again. Email correspondence received with regard to vandalism in woods which the owner has now cleared. Email received from SKDC with regard to the SK Community Fund to be made available for the benefit of district residents. Request received from Lincolnshire Lowland Search and Rescue for a donation. Not agreed. Correspondence received from SKDC updating the Register of Electors Email received from Parishioner with regard to speeding in the High Street. Copy correspondence received from Paul Rusted of LCC addressed to Dr Caroline Johnson with regard to speeding in the village. A discussion took place to the effect that it is hoped the up-coming Speed Watch Scheme and the installation of white gates will alleviate the problem going forward. The Clerk advised that Speed Watch Training is due soon following the easing of Covid restrictions. Email received from Parishioner with regard to a tow camera for the village. The Clerk is trying to establish costs to hire and will report back 6. Matters Outstanding a) Ideas for the Village: The following ideas were put forward for consideration:- White Gates – A licence is needed from LCC but the Parish Council have run into problems with regard to proposed sites. Cllr. Maughan has agreed to arrange a site meeting with Highways so the matter can be progressed. “Welcome” Arch on Newark Hill, if White gates not a possibility Village “Party” for the Queen’s 70th Jubilee School Bell Tower – originally planned for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee . A discussion took place with regard to spending public money on a private dwelling. To be clarified. Also need to establish if the school are in agreement to the proposal. White Posts - to the front of the church, similar to those on Grantham Road. Equipment for the Children’s play area - such as a zip wire. The Chairman asked for further ideas so the matter can be discussed at the July Parish Council Meeting and once agreed to apply to SKDC for funding. 7. Review of Risk Assessments, Data Protection and Privacy Statement No changes have been implemented and the documents were accepted as they stand. Proposed by Cllr. Thompson and Seconded by Cllr. Stokes. 8. Review of Standing Orders & Financial Regulations including quotations amounts. Again no changes have been implemented and documents were accepted as they stand. The Chairman confirmed the Quotation Amounts, all Councillors to agree quotation amounts over £1,000 and the Chairman and Clerk to agree quotations below £1k. Proposed by Cllr. Fletcher and seconded by Cllr. Neal. 9. Financial Matters The Clerk presented her Year End Budget Report:- As forecast I am pleased to report that the budget for 2020/21 has worked well on the whole. As reported in March I confirm the exceptions:- 1. As previously advised Office Costs are in excess of budget due to the purchase of a new filing cabinet. 2. Parks and Open expenditure is also over budget – spent £3371 against a budget of£2953. This is due to unexpected repairs to the white posts on the Pinfold, and we have purchased hi-vis vests and a hand held speed gun for the Speed Awareness initiative we will be undertaking. 3. Burial Ground Maintenance remained below budget for the year. 4. There is an excess spend on staff salaries following the agreement to increase the Clerk’s paid hours. All the different expenditure is itemised on the attached Reconciliation for the year. Income for the year exceeded expectations, so I have been able to move funds into reserves. The Bank balances at the end of the financial year stood as follows:- Current Account £575.80 Deposit £8396.35 Term Deposit £30,268.92 Expenses £62.01 As we go forward into the new Financial Year we have some additional expenditure to deal with:- 1. The installation of white posts to the front of St Sebastian’s Church to match those on Grantham Road. Tony Jackson is going to provide a quotation for the work to be submitted to the Council. 2. There is a dead tree in St Sebastian’s churchyard which I have asked for quotes to remove. 3. The cement round Charlie’s plinth needs replacing and again Tony Jackson is going to carry out this work. 9a) The Chairman reconciled the Bank Statements to the Year End accounts. 9b) The Annual Governance Statement for 2020/21 was signed and approved. 9c) The Accounting Statement for 2020/21 was signed and approved 9d) It was agreed to leave the Chairman’s Allowance unchanged at £550. Proposed by Cllr. Fletcher and seconded by Cllr. Thompson 9e) Accounts for Payment PAYMENTS DATE TO WHOM DETAILS AMOUNT 26.03.21 Staff Salaries March Wages and Computer 548.23 26.03.21 HM Revenue & Customs Tax Payment 398.20 YEAR 2021/22 01.04.21 LALC 2021/22 Subscription 458.98 08.04.19 PWLB Loan Repayment 4,923.67 07.04.21 BDG Mowing 2 x Grass Cuts 178.00 27.04.21 Staff Salaries April Wages & Computer 551.73 22.04.21 Ryman Stationery Ink Cartridges 37.98 RECEIPTS 28.02.21 Yorkshire Bank Term Deposit Interest 10.44 08.03.21 Viking Refund of New Customer Discount 11.99 31.03.21 Yorkshire Bank Term Deposit Interest 11.56 31.03.21 Yorkshire Bank Deposit Account Interest 0.26 YEAR 2021/22 1.04.21 SKDC Half Year Precept 14,418.00 The above payments were approved. Proposed by Cllr. Stokes and Seconded by Cllr. Davey. 9f) The Zurich Insurance Limit was discussed but it was unclear at the meeting the sum insured. The Clerk is to investigate and advise Councillors. 10. Hall Representatives for Next Year As Cllr. Thompson is retiring the Chairman asked for a volunteer to represent the Parish Council on the Hall Committee. Cllr. Davey advised she would like to be involved. It was agreed the two representatives would be Cllr. J Critchley and Cllr. K Davey. 11. Advisory Groups a) Planning APPLICATIONS S21/0574 Mr D Keeling 24 Belvoir Gardens, Great Gonerby Proposed dormer to rear of existing dwelling S21/0585 Mr S Green B1174 Great North Road/Services Roundabout, Gonerby Moor NG32 2AB Three identical non illuminated signs measuring 1200m wide x 500 mm high. APPROVED S20/2191 Motor Fuel Group Submission of details reserved by Condition 4 (surface water drainage) of S17/2399. (Demolition of existing petrol filling station to provide a new petrol filling station facility with forecourt shop/sales building, customer parking, staff car parking spaces, HGV parking and associated services) S21/0034 Motor Fuel Group Submission of details reserved by Condition e (construction management plan) of S17/2399. (Demolition of existing petrol filling station to provide a new petrol filling station facility with forecourt shop/sales building, customer parking, staff car parking spaces, HGV parking and associated services) S18/1457 Mr M Mann Land to the North of Longcliffe Road, Grantham Reserved matters approved S21/0066 Mr A Critchley Hook Cliff Farm Green Waste Storage and processing for cattle bedding b) The Environment Cllr. Thompson advised the High Street wall on which the restored murals are hoped to be installed has now been rebuilt. Cllr. Thompson is going to check measurements and speak to property owners with regard to the installation to ensure they are still in agreement. Cllr. Thompson will report back. Cllr. Thompson advised half the bedding plants needed for the planters in the High Street had been purchased and arrangements are in hand to purchase further plants and organise planting. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Thompson for organising the planters. Cllr. Fletcher suggested the Community Cleaner should be recognised for her outstanding efforts in keeping the village clean and tidy. Cllr. Stokes will enquire if there is award which could be made available. c) Amenity Areas No matters wereraised for discussion. d) Highway Matters The Chairman advised the 30mp sign is almost obliterated by vegetation. Clerk requested to report to Fix My Street. The Chairman advised there was a branch which had fallen into the road on Newark Hill. Cllr. Critchley advised he would deal with the problem. Diane Gee advised that village footpaths are a disgrace, very dirty and need cleaning. She further advised the road sweeper had not been seen in side streets for some time. Cllr. Stokes advised he would contact the Big Clean Team to see if they can help with cleaning the pavements. Cllr. Maughan advised of a new JCB Pot hole vehicle will be in our area in the near future to repair potholes. The new system is envisaged to be a lot quicker. It was also discussed that a number of pavements need resurfacing. Cllr. Maughan advised that there was not much in the LCC budget for such works. Hedge on Grantham Road needs a trim, Cllr. Maughan advised this had already been reported. A discussion took place with regard to road markings being extremely feint. Cllr. Maughan agreed to contact Highways to ask for markings to be re-painted. He reminded the meeting a survey is due to take place soon with regard to road layout near the school and the zebra crossing. 12. Notice of motions for future meetings. None. 13. Any matters for Urgent Discussion The previous Clerk has suggested a book swap library to be installed in the bus stop by the Post Office. This was thought to be a good idea but the shutters are in need of maintenance first. Diane Gee advised the 12 week project to curb dog fouling had been a success with number of sprays reducing from 35 in the first week to just 5 in the last. Mrs Gee had been in contact with SKDC who have advised Mrs Gee there are no dog wardens available and also confirmed no fines had been issued in recent years, despite numerous notices indicating fines would be payable. There was £66.04 left over from donations for the spray which has been donated to the Pre-school. The Chairman thanked Mrs Gee for her hard work in solving the dog fouling problem. There being no further Business the meeting closed at 21.00 Flag Flying Days: 6th June D Day 9th June Official Celebration of Queen Elizabeth II Birthday 21st June Armed Forces Day 27th June Veteran’s Day 7th July London Bombing

July 2021

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 5th July 2021 at 7.00 at the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman, Cllr. H Fletcher Vice Chairman, Cllr. A Critchley, Cllr. J Critchley, Cllr. K Davey, Cllr. A Mavros, Cllr. M Neal, Cllr R Plant and Cllr. I Stokes Cllr. A Maughan LCC Several members of the public were welcomed to the Parish Council Meeting, including newly retired councillor Jeffrey Thompson who wished to say a few words as a member of the public. Jeff showed attendees of the meeting the award he was presented with following is 50 years’ service to the Parish Council. Jeff went on to relate a couple of tales about his time both as a District Councillor and Parish Councillor and circulated Minutes from both of his first meetings. Jeff was presented with a gift from the Parish Councillors and wished well in his retirement. A reporter from the Grantham Journal was also in attendance and took photos of the retiring Councillor. It was bought to the attention of the Parish Council that the hedge round the playing field had not been cut for some time, but this was disputed by Mr Thompson informing the meeting the hedge was cut in January. It was also pointed out that hedge cutting cannot take place before September and can only be cut one a year. A member of the public also reported noise disturbance from the Hall car park late at night. It was pointed out that this was the responsibility of the Memorial Hall to monitor. Again it was confirmed that the matter was in hand and steps were being taken to try and remedy. It was acknowledge that noise problems did not exist before COVID restrictions and it was requested that time be given to see how matters settle down after restrictions are lifted in the coming weeks. A request to close the footpath was made but this was rejected. Members of the public were requested to phone the police to advise of late night disturbances and to do this as frequently as possible. 1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr M Davey-Dunderdale Work Commitments but arrived late Cllr. A Maughan LCC Work Commitments Cllr R Kayberry-Brown flood 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations None 3. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting Following the wording in Item 13 being amended as follows:- “The Chairman thanked Mrs Gee for her hard work in reducing the dog fouling problem” the Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman as a true record proposed by Cllr. Davey and seconded by Cllr J Critchley. 4. Official Correspondence and Circulation The chairman read out a report from Cllr. Maughan which is attached to these Minutes . Letter sent to Mr Brown from the Parish Council thanking him for watering the plants at the Pond. Email received from Cllr, Maughan following a request to change the gradient of the footpath from the High Street to the Memorial Hall advising this would prove difficult but LCC are going to clear the debris to make access easier Two Register of Electors updates received from SKDC Email received from SKDC regarding the need to hold face to face meetings Email from Cllr. Maughan to advise the village qualifies for an upgrade of the zebra crossing to a Puffin Crossing. The Manager of LCC Highways has been requested to make this priority. Email received from villager requesting help with a planning application who was advised to contact SKDC Planning and to speak to neighbours. The Parish Council likes to remain natural in such matters. SKDC advised that the Parish Council have been awarded £2000 from the Community Fund to go towards the cost of the village white gates. SKDC have re-introduced the Best Kept Village Award. Village automatically entered no need to apply. Email from Mr Thompson advising 28 High Street planters have been installed this year. Email from Mr Thompson to advise the church clock needed further repairs which would be carried out. Correspondence from Virgin Money advising of another interest rate drop on 95 Day Business Notice Account. Email from villager regarding grass cutting and querying frequency. It was reported that verges are cut once a month during the growing season, 7 times in total in a year. Email received from Secretary of Memorial Hall confirming meeting with resident of Covill Close re noise. Email received from villager complaining about restrictions placed on activities in the field. Complaint passed to Trustees to deal with. Letter from Lincolnshire Police advising of their intentions to enhance the provision of Neighbourhood Policing in future. Letter from LCC regarding Broadband Connectivity in Lincolnshire. It was thought Broadband in Great Gonerby was generally good. Letter received from Jeff Thompson confirming his retirement as a Councillor, which is attached to these Minutes. Circulation: Saving Lives in Lincolnshire and Clerks and Councils News booklet passed round. 5. Clerk & Members to Report Bank on Matters Outstanding The retiring Councillor had left a report on the up to date situation with regard to the following:- The Clerk has been requested to write a letter to Mr Brown to thank him for watering the planters near Charlie, which has been done. A request to send a letter to a villager regarding dog fouling was made but this is to be passed to SKDC to deal with. With regard to the murals, the wall by the Pond is not high enough and so it has been suggested that the murals be placed on the eastern gable of the Memorial Hall adjacent to the car park. A request to the Trustees of the Hall will be made for their authorisation. Jeff has said he will continue to water the planters in the High Street a) Ideas for the Village: An email received from SKDC with regard to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons. The idea to purchase a beacon was welcomed and the Clerk requested to obtain costings. Cllr Davey spoke of a few ideas: A picnic in the park for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee followed by open air cinema for children early in the day and adults in the evening. Permission would have to be sought from the Trustees of the Hall to use the field or alternatively Cllr. Stokes suggested contacting the school with regard to the use of their field as an alternative. The idea to be publicised on Facebook to establish likely take up. A discussion took place with regard to the forming a Social Committee with both Parish Councillors and Trustees of the Hall involved as it has become apparent villagers are eager for community events. b) Confirmation of Zurich Insurance Fidelity cover of £50,000 This has now been received. c) Village Gateway Signs The Chairman advised the meeting that it had not been possible to go ahead with the proposed white gates due to siting difficulties and the need to get LCC licence to install. The Chairman advised initial meeting with supplier had not mentioned the need for the licence and therefore the order was placed for the white gates. As soon as difficulties arose the supplier was asked to suspend the order. Unfortunately some of the signs had already been produced and it has been necessary to purchase these at a cost of £873.00 plus VAT. These signs will be incorporated into a hanging sign for which permission has already been granted from LCC Highways. The Chairman is seeking quotations and these will be circulated to Councillors as soon as available. 6. Review of Accessibility Statement for Website No changes implemented and the document was accepted. 7. Review of Internal Audit Plan and Health and Safety Policy. No changes were made to the Internal Audit Plan and Malcolm Hall will be requested to carry out Internal Audit in 2022. No changes were made to the Health and Safety Policy. 8. Review of Fixed Assets Register A review took place with Cllr Fletcher updating the meeting with regard to maintenance works carried out to Charlie’s plinth and also the need to fill some cracks which have appeared in Charlie’s leg. The white posts outside the front of the church are in course and should be in situ soon. Shutters to the bus stop in the High Street are to be replaced. Once done the book swap will be set up. The Chairman confirmed the new purchases for the Financial Year 2020/21 had been added to the register. 9. Flag Flying Days Just one amendment to be made in respect of the Queen’s wedding anniversary which will be deleted. 9. Financial Matters The Clerk presented her Q1 Budget Report:- Church Clock: As you know the church clock has had a few issues recently and to repair the two automatic winding removals there will be an unforeseen expenditure of £1190.which will leave £610 still in reserves which will be wiped out when the annual maintenance takes place later in the year. Office Costs : The Clerk advised having changed her printer going forward she will not be claiming for ink cartridges as they have come part of the package of the new printer. Office costs will therefore reduce. LALC subscription has been paid in the sum of £459 against a budget of £475. Insurance premium £420 – Budget forecast £400. Malcolm Hall Audit fee £120, as expected. All other expenditure is running within forecast budget. As I agreed I have ordered the additional signs in respect of the Speed Watch Scheme. LALC have advised that Peter Langford, who helped set up the website, is offering an annual help service at a cost of £144 (to be confirmed) and the Clerk asked for permission to take advantage of this. This was agreed a) The following Accounts were presented for payment:- PAYMENTS 22.04.21 Ryman Stationery Ink Cartridges 37.98 22.04.21 B & Q Cordless Drill 78.00 27.04.21 Oldrids & Downtown Compost and Plant Feed 35.20 27.04.21 Andy Garrett Lincolnshire Flag 8.00 01.05.21 Spalding Plants (Raymond Manning) Plants for High Street 214.00 05.05.21 BDG Mowing 2 x Grass Cuts 178.00 05.05.21 Home Bargains WD40 - High Street Shutters 1.99 06.05.21 B Hutchinson Chairman's Allowance 550.00 07.05.21 Zurich Insurance Policy Renewal 470.24 08.05.21 Ryman Stationery A4 Paper 4.99 11.05.21 Hollis Road Nurseries Plants for High Street 52.00 12.05.21 Hollis Road Nurseries Plants for High Street 20.00 13.05.21 Hollis Road Nurseries Plants for High Street 20.00 24.05.21 Post Office Ltd 2nd Class Stamps 7.92 27.05.21 Staff Salaries May Wages and computer 551.73 28.05.21 Ryman Stationery Document Wallets 5.97 31.05.21 Malcolm Hall Internal Audit 120.00 31.05.21 Screwfix Cable Ties for Speed Watch Signs 14.05 02.06.21 BDG Mowing 2 x Grass Cuts 178.00 02.06.21 Howsafe 3 x Hi Vis Jacket for Speed Watch 41.46 04.06.21 Community Heartbeat Annual Support 126.00 07.08.21 Time Assured Ltd Deposit re Repairs to Church Clock 432.00 07.06.21 EnvironmentSK May Verge Cutting 345.10 08.06.21 Anthony Jackson Maintenance to Clock Pelter Base 50.00 15.06.21 Amazon Counters for Speed Watch 10.69 16.06.21 Protect Signs Signs for Speed Watch 195.11 17.06.21 Asda A4 Paper, Batteries and Clip Board 7.55 17.06.21 Howsafe 2 xHi Vis Jackets 29.64 27.06.21 Staff Salaries June Wages and computer 551.73 25.06.21 JACS (UK) Ltd Village Gate Signs 1,047.60 RECEIPTS 30.03.21 Virgin Money 95 Day Deposit Account Interest 10.57 05.04.21 HMRC VAT Refund 2,039.08 13.05.21 SKDC Community Cleaner Grant 694.98 24.05.21 The Margaret Brown Trust Donation towards cost of New Defibrillator 1,800.00 31.05.21 Virgin Money 95 Day Deposit Account Interest 7.72 14.06.21 Virgin Money Cash Back Rebate 0.82 30.06.21 Virgin Money 95 Day Deposit Account Interest 7.47 30.06.21 Virgin Money Deposit Account Interest 0.39 All payments agreed. Proposed by Cllr. Stokes, seconded by Cllr. Davey. b) End of Q1 Accounts The end of Q1 Accounts were agreed and signed by the Chairman and Clerk. c) Internal Audit Report Letter received from Malcolm Hall confirming that the books were again presented in a neat and orderly fashion by the Clerk. In his opinion the PC can again completed the Annual Governance Statement by ticking Yes in all boxes with complete confidence. There were however a couple of omissions from 2020/21 Minutes:- 1. Meeting of 14th September 2020 – Page 2303 – Accounts for Payment and Receipts – Yorkshire Bank Term Deposit Interested credited on 31.08.20 was not noted in Minutes. This should be £13.44. Also payment in the sum of £125 from Shepherds memorials was omitted from Receipts. 2. Meeting of 5th January 2021 – Page 2322. Accounts for Payment and Receipts – Yorkshire Bank Term Deposit Interest credited on 31.10.21 was not noted in Minutes. This should be £11.17. 11. Advisory Groups a) Planning An email has been received from BP Lightsource confirming they are now in a position to submit the solar farm planning application to SKDC. A discussion took place regarding the possible advantages for the village in the long term. APPLICATIONS S21/0846 Mr James Cook Home Farm, Allington Lane, Allington NG32 2DU New Steel portal framed building S21/0859 Macdonald’s Restaurants Installation of 6 no. Fascia signs, 3 no. Booth lettering and 1 no 15” digital booth screen S21/0865 Macdonald’s Restaurants Ltd Various site signage including 4 no. Freestanding signs, 2 no Banner units, 1 no Play land sign and 20 no. Dot signs. S21/0873 Macdonald’s Restaurants Ltd Erection of a freestanding single storey restaurant with drive-thru facility, car parking, landscaping and associated works, including Customer Order Displays (COD), Goal Post Height Restrictor and Play Frame. S21/0852 Mr and Mrs Harrop 36 Grampian Way, Grantham Single storey rear extension S21/0881 Kate Draper 54 Green Street, Great Gonerby Two storey rear extension APPROVED S20/1152 Longhurst & Havelok Homes Ltd Land off Easthorpe Road, Great Gonerby Section 73 application for the removal of Condition 8 (pedestrian footway) and to vary conditions 2 (approved plans) and condition 6 (schedule of materials) of planning permission S19/1138 S21/0574 Mr D Keeling 24 Belvoir Gardens, Great Gonerby Dormer to rear of existing building S21/0585 Mr S Green B1174 Great North Road, Services Roundabout Gonerby Moor NG31 2AB Three identical, non-illuminated signs S21/0945 Longhurst Group Land off Easthorpe Road, Great Gonerby Amendment to boundary treatment to plots 27, 38 and 46. S21/0852 Mr A Jeffery 39 Grampian Way Ground Floor Extension rear of dwelling – Certificate of Lawful Use or Development S21/0852 Mr and Mrs Harrop 36 Grampian Way, Grantham Single storey rear extension S21/0846 Mr J Cook Home Farm, Allington Lane, Allington New steel portal framed building. S21/1004 Longhurst Group Land off Easthorpe Road, Great Gonerby Submission of details reserved by Condition 11 (Landscape Management Plan) of S20/1152 REFUSED S20/1927 Mr S Martin The Old Bakehouse, 18 High Street Replace windows in the house (Listed Building) b) The Environment Nothing reported though Cllr. Davey is to speak to the Trustees of the Memorial Hall regarding the Millennium Wood c) Amenity Areas Cllr Davey advised that the Trustees of the Hall are happy with the idea of a picnic bench going at the Millennium wood, siting to be agreed with Trustees. Cllr. Davey to report back with final costings and design. With regard to the “Lockdown” Bench to be sited at the Pond this is now in course and design and costings will be circulated shortly. d) Highway Matters Cllr. Davey up dated the meeting with regard to the Community Speed Watch which is now up and running. The first watch had taken place over one and a half hours with 430 cars passing through the village. Only one speeder was caught and reported.. An email had been received from LCC Road Safety advising the outcome of a speed survey conducted between 29th April and 5th May. The survey was 24/7. The outcome was an average speed of 27 mph through the village. There was an average daily flow of 4220 cars towards Grantham of which 555 were over the limit, 15 cars in excess of 10 mph and one in excess of 20mph over the limit. Towards the A1 there was an average flow of 4488 cars per day of which 23 were 10 mph over the limit, none over 20 mph of the limit. The clerk was requested to distribute the findings. Cllr. Maughan has requested the road markings in the village to be replaced. It was reported that cats eyes are missing from the A1 north bound slip road, this will be report to Fix My Street. It was also reported the tarmac on the old A1 roundabout needs replacing as in a dangerous condition. 12. Notice of motions for future meetings. None. 13. Any matters for Urgent Discussion None There being no further Business the meeting closed at 21.30 Flag Flying Days: 14th August V J Day (Victory in Japan) 3rd September Merchant Navy Day 11th September 9/11 Twin Towers (to be flown at half-mast) 15th September Battle of Britain Day

September 2021

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 7th September 2021 at 7.30 at the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Present: Cllr. B Hutchinson (Chairman), Cllr. H Fletcher (Vice Chairman), Cllr. J Critchley, Cllr K Davey, Cllr. A Mavros, Cllr. M Neal, Cllr. R Plant 1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr. T Critchley (work commitments), Cllr I Stokes (work commitments) Cllr M Davey Dunerdale (Work Commitments) 2. Co-option of New Councillor The Chairman explained the Councillor vacancy had arisen following Cllr. Thompson’s retirement in July and welcomed the two applicants who had come forward ; Christian Cundall and Tim Bridle. Both applicants were invited to introduce themselves following which a show of hands vote took place to elect the new Councillor. Four Councillors voted in favour of Tim Bridle and three in favour of Christian Cundall. Tim Bridle was duly elected as a Councillor for the Great Gonerby Ward. 3. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations None. 4. Minutes Signed from Previous Meeting The Minutes were duly signed as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Davey, Seconded by Cllr. Neal. 5. Clerk and Members to Report Back on Matters Outstanding a) Queen’s Jubilee Beacons: Cllr J Critchley advised the meeting Cllr. T Critchley had the matter in hand and would report back at the November Parish Council meeting. Following a discussion it was thought a gas Beacon would be safer. b) Pond Bench – Cllr. Hutchinson has been in touch with the manufacturers several times but not received a response. He advised he will continue to chase for costings. c) Village Hanging Signs – Again Cllr. Hutchinson advised that dimensions had been sent and again waiting for costings to take the project forward. 6. Official Correspondence and Circulation Email received from J Thompson with regard to the watering pump advising it was no longer functioning and suppliers had agreed to a full refund. He advised he was using the cordless drill with a pump attachment to water the High Street planters. Further email correspondence received from Jeff Thompson following his retirement at the July meeting thanking everyone for their excellent and appropriate gift and acknowledging his 51 years as a Councillor had been wonderful. SKDC forwarded details of Electoral Register Updates for August and July Email from Cllr. Maughan regarding Homeowner Property Flood Resilience Assistance Scheme. Discussed but not thought applicable to Great Gonerby Eon advice re price increase from 1st September 2021in respect of the electric supply to Hill Top Cemetery CCTV and lights. Correspondence from HM Treasury detailing proposed changes to the terms and conditions being applied by the Public Works Loans Board from September 2021. Email correspondence from parishioner regarding overgrown state of vegetation on the Grantham Hill footpath. Discussed and recorded under 9b. Email correspondence from EnvironmentSK with regard to termination of weed spraying contract Email correspondence from SKDC with regard to Litter Bin at the top of Spring End and confirming bin is emptied twice a week. Email from Cllr. Stokes regarding Section 106 monies in respect of the Eastthorpe Road development and confirming the monies were allocated to the Walton Academy for additional science classrooms. Circulation: Information regarding speed sensor cameras was distributed. As discussion followed asking if this could be revisited again in November as though might be the best way forward. Two Clerks and Councils Magazines were also made available. 7 Poor Land Update Cllr. Hutchinson advised that he had been in touch with the Land Agents. No progress has been made. The tenant has been given 12 months’ notice to vacate the land which expires in December. The Chairman explain to the new Councillor about the Poor Land and how it was donated to the village. 8. Remembrance Sunday Arrangements Arrangements are to remain the same as in previous years. The Clerk was requested to contact Peter Jennings to enquire if he can assist with the flag lowering and raising again on Remembrance Sunday. 9. Confirmation of M L Hall as Internal Auditor and LALC Proposals The Clerk confirmed that Malcom Hall was happy to continue as the Parish Council’s Internal Auditor. LALC’s proposals are in hold in case needed in the future. 10. Financial Matters a) Accounts for Payment The following Accounts were presented for payment:- ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT 01.07.21 B & Q Wood Filler for Charlie £5.50 05.07.21 HM Revenue & Customs Tax Payment £400.80 05.07.21 Time Assured Church Clock Repairs £996.00 05.07.21 Timpson Key for Memorial Hall £10.50 06.07.21 BDG Mowing 2 x Cemetery Grass Cuts £178.00 06.07.21 EnvironmentSK June Verge Cut £345.10 06.07.21 J Walker (Rasells Nurseries) Plants and compost for Pond Planters £84.85 08.07.21 Argos Bookcase for Book swap £25.00 12.07.21 E J Walker Mileage March/July £18.90 12.07.21 E-on Hill Top Electric£ 145.27 12.07.21 Plantscape Planters for High Street £121.56 12.07.21 Crimson Kings (Midlands) Ltd Removal of Dead Tree St. Sebastians £225.00 27.07.21 Staff Salaries July salaries and computer £551.53 27.07.21 Syston Doors New metal shutter for High Street Bus Stop £1,284.00 04.08.21 BDG Mowing 2 x Cemetery Grass Cuts + 2 Weed Control at Cemeteries £214.00 06.08.21 EnvironmentSK 2 x Weed Control at Cemeteries £33.09 06.08.21 EnvironmentSK 1 x Verge Cutting £345.10 09.08.21 Community Heartbeat Annual Support £162.00 12.08.21 Wood Finishes Direct Oil and cleaner for Charile £35.69 16.08.21 Currys PC World Sandisk for New Councillor £9.99 27.08.21 Staff Salaries August Salaries & Computer £551.73 27.08.21 EnvironmentSK April Verge Cutting £345.10 30.08.21 EnvironmentSK August Verge Cutting £345.10 30.08.21 PKF Littlejohn LLP External Audit Fees £240.00 30.08.21 Amazon Pump for Watering £11.99 RECEIPTS 05.07.21 G H Linnell Cemetery Fee - Norris Plot N12 £100.00 13.07.21 Virgin Money Cash Back Rebate £0.89 30.07.21 Virgin Money 95 Day Deposit Interest £7.22 18.08.21 Virgin Money Cash Back Rebate £0.24 31.08.21 Virgin Money 95 Day Deposit Interest £3.86 Payments were duly authorised proposed by Cllr. J Critchley and seconded by Cllr. Neal b) Year to Date Budget Report The following report was presented by the Clerk: As we come towards the end of the Half Year I can report as follows:- Payments: The Memorial Hall Rent has been suspended this year, so no payment due. LALC Annual Subscription in the sum of £458 paid. Office Costs to date stand at £132 against a budget of £515 Donations/grants- none made Insurance- Paid but £20 outside budget Audit fees- £120 paid to Malcolm Hall and £240 to External Auditors total £360 against budget of £415 Training Fees none to date but the clerk is to attend a web training refresher course in October. Expenses to date total £568 against a budget of £700 for the year. Grass and Verge Cutting costs are running within budget S137 – No expenditure Staff salaries total £2539 to date against an annual budget of £8000. Receipts: Burial fees received to date are well below budget only £100 against a predicted annual income of £1000. Virgin Money Deposit Account Interest earned is In excess of budget at £35.00 Bank Balances as at the 31.08.21 were:- Current Account £800.15 Expenses Account £38.74 Deposit Account £9,996.74 95 Day Notice Deposit Account £30.301.90 c) External Auditors Report The External Audit Report has been returned advising Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR were in accordance with Proper Practices and no other matters came to their attention giving cause for concern. 11. Advisory Groups:- a) Planning The following were presented to the meeting:- APPLICATIONS S21/1344 Miss Holly White College Farm, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby Advertisement consent S21/1445 Moto Service Area, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby NG32 2AB Submission of details reserved by Condition 4 (External Lighting) of planning permission S20/1485 S21/1561 Mr L Collins 35 Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Rear single story extension, double story side extension, new driveway, detached garage. S21/1624 Mr B Murphy Sutton Lodge, 20 Green Street, Great Gonerby L1, L2 & L3 to cut down/heavily prune to re-form at 12ft hedge. L9 and H Leylandii and Holly Tree to cut down/heavily prune both of them to form a 12 – 14 ft hedge. L4, L5, L6, L7, L8 Leylandii – To remove. APPROVED S21/0881 Kate Draper 54 Green Street, Great Gonerby Two storey rear extension S21/1257 Moto Service Area, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby Minor alteration of internal access to allow retention of trees County Matter PL/0080/21 Land at A1 Gonerby Moor, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby Comments for change of use of land to skip hire operation SKDC no objection to raise Cllr. Maughan advised Marston PC have discussed concerns about the consultation process Lightsource BP have carried out with regard to the solar farm application and have requested assistance with regard to a joint letter being sent pointing out the shortcomings. It hoped that by pointing this out they may reconsider the amount of Community benefit which is due. It was agreed that the Chairman could certainly jointly sign the letter Marston are proposing to send. Cllr. Maughan will advise Marston PC. b) Amenity Areas: Grantham Hill Footpath Following an email from a resident regarding the overgrown state of the vegetation on Grantham Hill Footpath, Cllr Maughan has actively chased LCC Highways who have advised that this matter is receiving attention. It is proposed to severely cut back the hedges and vegetation soon and the local farmer has also been contacted requesting that his hedge is cut back It is proposed that the Parish Council will take on the responsibility for verge cutting both sides of the footpath as from April 2022. Request from Memorial Hall Trustees A request has been received from the Chairman of the Memorial Hall committee requesting help towards the cost of the upgrade of the playground. A lengthy discussion took place concerning various difficulties facing the Trustees at the present time and Cllr. Hutchinson has agreed to speak to Ian Skellern with regard to his requests and the matter will be discussed again in November. Tree Planting – LALC have forwarded details of a tree planting scheme but it was thought the village had enough trees at the present time. Barbara Mooney PCSO had written to advise she has been monitoring the parking situation in the village and has spoken to the school and some drivers re the problems.. She has also been investigating the report of excessive noise etc coming from the Memorial Hall facilities. Height Restriction Barriers for Hill Top Cemetery This proposal was discussed but decision delayed until the November meeting. Cllr. Critchley advised there had been a lot of disruption to the farm fence at Hill Top. And unfortunately one of their cows had died as a result of eating yew tree leaves. Barriers have been put in place to stop this occurring again. It was advised that the Hall hedges were too high and needed cutting back as they were obstructing the CCTV. It was confirmed this is in hand. The Parish Council had arranged to remove a dead tree from St Sebastian’s unfortunately after the removal it was reported that the tree was a memorial to a villager’s deceased daughter. It has been agreed to pay for a replacement cherry tree. Cllr. Fletcher Update on Village Amenities New roller shutters have now been installed at the High Street Bus stop The Book Exchange is proving very popular The Gas light lamp post has received a coat of paint New plants are now blooming on the Pond area Wood filler and a new wood preserve have contributed to an improved look for Charlie A Pond area clean is scheduled to take place on the 27th September together with weed treatment. The broken white post on Grantham Road has been replace, unfortunately there is now another broken post which needs to be replace. The clerk will make arrangements for this to be done White Posts to the front of St Sebastian’s are still awaited, the Clerk will chase for an instalment date Cllr. Davey advised the picnic bench for the field is on order and will be delivered towards the end of September. 12. Notice of motions for future meetings Height restriction barriers for Hill Top Cemetery to be re-discussed. 13. Any Matters for Urgent Discussion Cllr. Davey advised that she is still waiting for information regarding proposed open air cinema for Queen Jubilee in 2022. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.30 Flag Flying Days: October 1st Lincolnshire Day October 21st Trafalgar Day 11th November Remembrance Day 10th November Remembrance Sunday 14th November Birthday of Prince of Wales

November 2021

GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 2nd November 2021 at 7.30 at the Memorial Hall, Belton Lane, Great Gonerby The Vice Chairman welcomed the Chairman of the Memorial Hall as well as five members of the public to the meeting. Ian Skellern, Chairman of the Memorial Hall, presented correspondence relating to the cost of the installation of a zip wire in the sum of £15,000 and requested help with funding. These costs are attached as Appendix A. The meeting was advised that Vaculug had arranged for repainting of the play area which had taken place however, the new soft tiles are awaited. There has been a delay due to mix up over installation dates but a contractor is now scheduled to visit. A request has also been submitted to Vaculug for funding for the zip wire but as yet no response has been received. The Vice Chairman advise Mr Skellern that his request for funds will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting in January. Two villagers raised their concerns regarding parking outside St Sebastian’s school. This was acknowledged as a problem and LCC Highways are aware. Consideration is being given to double yellow lining the Pond Street junction. Cllr. Maughan also confirmed the proposed upgrade of the zebra cross and the changes envisaged in the area. Two further villagers advised that they had been asked to sponsor the Senior side football club but were advised that use of the field was organised through the Memorial Hall Trustees. And the Parish Council could not help. 1. Apologies for Absence: Blake Hutchinson (Chairman) - Family Commitments Cllr. Neal – Family Commitments Cllr. J Critchley – Family Commitments Cllr. Stokes did not attend. Before starting on Agenda the Vice Chairman enquired of Councillors if they still wanted their private contact details published. As discussion took place and it was agreed that this was not thought necessary. It was agreed any Parishioner wanting to contact a Councillor could do so through the Clerk 2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations None. 3. Minutes signed from Previous Meeting The Minutes were duly signed as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Mavros, Seconded by Cllr.T Critchley 4. Matters Arising a) Height Restriction Barriers The proposal for height restriction barriers was discussed and unanimously agreed not thought necessary. b) Jubilee Beacon: Cllr. Critchely said this was in hand and he agreed for the beacon to be sited on his land c) Pond Bench: The Clerk has now taken on this project from the Chairman and is getting design artwork and prices. d) Village Signs: Again the Clerk has taken this project on and will chase for a design and costing. e) Speed Sensor Signs for Village: Consideration for the purchase of the reactive signs would not be pursued due to the limited impact they would potentially have, against our average vehicle speeds through the village. 5. Correspondence: Correspondence received from Lincolnshire’s Office of Police and Crime Safer Together Team, which had already been circulated. Letter received from The Clockpelter Mews Management Company with regard to stones on the grass in front of the mews which LCC Highways have requested to be moved. A request for white posts was also received but the width of the grass does not allow for this. Correspondence with regard to Solar Farm Cliff Lane, Marson and the payment of the Community Grant. Letter from SKDC regarding Council Tax Support Scheme for 2022/3 Letter from Virgin Money advising the Branch in Grantham is closing Email from Longhurst Group following arequest to clear footpath near Easthorpe Development. Correspondence regarding footpath to the side of 48 Belton Lane. Owners to be requested to seek legal advice with regard to ownership. Correspondence from villager with regard to night time traffic through the village. Email from Cllr. Maughan confirming Community project grant has been agreed. This will mean that a small trail can be established through the Millennium Wood. Correspondence received from Eon advising of price rises. Email from villager advising top of hedge between Covill Close/Manor Drive had not been cut. SKDC are aware and will carry out work. 6. Dates of Meetings for 2022 It was agreed to change the day of meetings to the second Wednesday in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November. 7. Review of Disciplinary & Grievance Procedures, Freedom of Information Scheme, Data Protection, Complaints Procedures, Communication Protocal & Code of Conduct and Media Policy It was confirmed there had been no alterations to the different policies and all were in line with recommended procedures. It was agreed to leave unchanged. 8. Poor Land Update – This was deferred to the January Meeting 9. Village Update from Cllr. Fletcher It was advised the Pond area had been cleaned and was looking much better. Needs some sand to finish the works. The Vice Chairman explained that the contractor had not been able to finish the work on the proposed date due to gas contract equipment being in the way. The contractor is asking the Parish Council to pay for a lost afternoon’s work. This was discussed and it was agreed to ask the contractor to finish the work and get paid once he had completed the sanding. White posts to the front of St Sebastian’s church were now in situ. A replacement white post still waited for the village green is still waited 10. Financial Matters: a) Quarterly Summary of Accounts up to 30th September 2021 and budget report to date. The Clerk had circulated the Accounts for Quarter two prior to the meeting. N0 issues were raised. The following budget report was presented: Payments: The Memorial Hall Rent has been suspended this year, so no payment due. LALC Annual Subscription in the sum of £458 paid. Office Costs at the end of Q2 stand at £158 against a budget of £515 Donations/grants- none made Insurance- Paid but £20 outside budget Audit fees- £120 paid to Malcolm Hall and £240 to External Auditors total £340 against budget of £415 Training Fees none to date but a website refresher course has been attended and two new Councillor Courses have been attended, costing a total of £150. This will take this over the budget of £100. Expenses to date total £568 against a budget of £700 for the year. Grass and Verge Cutting costs are running within budget but an additional grass cut may be needed at Hill Top but depends on weather. S137 – No expenditure Staff salaries total £3075 to date against an annual budget of £8000. Receipts: Burial fees received to date are well below budget only £200 against a budget of £1000. Virgin Money Deposit Account Interest earned to date is £43 which is In excess of budget at £35.00 but rates have dramatically reduced since the switch to Virgin money and whereas we were receiving £10 a month, the latest monthly interest is only £3.74! The Half Year Precept from SKDC in the sum of £14,418 was received on the 18th October. Bank Balances as at the 30.09.21 were:- Current Account £1112.69 Expenses Account £9.04 Deposit Account £8997.01 95 Day Notice Deposit Account £30.309.50 Going forward we have some projects which hopefully will complete before the end of the Financial Year and will need paying for ie the bench for the Pond and also the swinging signs for which £3500 has been set aside in the budget. b) Budget Setting The Vice Chairman presented a request from the Chairman for a contribution to be made towards the proposed new Puffin Crossing for the village in the sum of £10,000. This proposal was discussed and Cllr. Maughan advised the whole project would cost in the region of £100,000 and any contribution from the Parish Council would show support for the scheme. A vote was held and it was unanimously agreed that the £10,000 contribution would be made available when requested but the likely time scale is three years. The Clerk was requested to write a letter to LCC confirming the contribution. The proposed budget was present but questions were raised with regard to price increases in contractors quote. The Clerk was requested to speak to contractors to justify the price increases which are not in line with the cost of living rises. The clerk agreed to do this. No decision were made on the Budget. To be re-discussed. c) Accounts for Payment The following Accounts were presented for payment and duly authorised. Proposed by Cllr. Davey and seconded by Cllr. Mavros. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT NOVEMBER 2021 07.09.21 BDG Mowing 2 x Grass Cuts 178.00 09.09.21 Post Office 2nd Class stamps x 12 7.92 13.09.21 Royal British Legion Poppy Wreath 21.98 27.09.21 Anthony Jackson Put up planters, paint lamp post and touch up paintwork on gates at Hill Top Cemetery 180.00 27.09.21 Staff Salaries September salaries and computer 551.73 28.09.21 Mrs E Lockwood Water for Cleaning Pond Area 20.00 04.10.21 Ad:vantage Digital Ltd Deposit for Outdoor Cinema 613.86 07.10. 21 EnvironmentSK Verge Cutting - September 345.10 07.10.21 PWLB Half Year Loan Repayment 4,923.67 07.10.21 BDG Mowing 1 x Grass Cutt St Sebastian's and 1 x Grass Cut Hill Top Cemetery 178.00 07.10.21 Eon Electric for Hill Top Cemetery 77.43 11.10.21 HM Revenue & Customs Tax Payment 401.00 12.10.21 Freshview Window Cleaning Services Cleaning paving at Pond Area 200.00 13.10.21 MKM BS Grantham Sand for Pond Area 74.16 20.10.21 Streetmaster Picnic Bench for Field and Carriage 1,156.80 26.10.21 Anthony Jackson Supply, fit and paint 21 white posts. Supply chaing and fit to posts in fron of St Sebastian's. 1,152.00 27.10.21 Staff Salaries October salaries and computer 551.53 RECEIPTS 07.09.21 G H Linnell Additional Inscription Plot J 9 - Critchley 100.00 16.09.21 LCC Refund for Verge Cutting 1,052.47 16.09.21 Virgin Money Cash Back Rebate 0.20 30.09.21 Virgin Money Deposit Account Interest 0.27 30.09.21 Virgin Money 95 Day Deposit Interest 3.74 18.10.21 SKDC Half Year Precept 14,418.00 d) Acceptance of quotes for Grass, hedge cutting and weed spraying This matter was deferred until Clerk has spoken to Contractors regarding price increases. e) Budget Loan Repayments These remain unchanged. 11. Advisory Groups a) Planning : The following Planning applications were received from SKDC APPLICATIONS S21/1866 Ben Pearson 47 High Street, Great Gonerby Extension of Entrance Hall into existing Front Porch S21/1879 Mr Brian Murphy Sutton Lodge, 20 Green Street, Great Gonerby Willow tree (“W”) – Pollard. Scots Pine (“SP”) – Target Prune. Horse Chestnut (“HC”) – Reshape and Prune. Sycamore (“S”) – Pollard and reduce by 50%. Sweet Chestnut (“SC”) Reshape. Acer (“A”) Reduce and reshape. S21/1018 Land at Gonerby Moor, Great Gonerby Installation and operation of a Solar Farm together with all associated works, equipment and necessary infrastructure Notice of Public Speaking on 28th October. S21/2090 Mr M Thomas 36 Long Street, Great Gonerby Proposed single storey extension S21/2091 Mr M Thomas 36 Long Street, Great Gonerby Proposed single storey extension – listed building consent. APPROVED S21/1344 Miss H White College Farm, Old Great North Road Erection of 1 x Free standing double sided illuminated pole sign County Matter - PL/0080/21 Land at A1 Gonerby Moor, Old Great North Road, Great Gonerby Change of use of land to skip hire operation S21/1491 Mr A Johnson 41 Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Erection of outbuilding to rear of dwelling S21/1624 Mr Brian Murphy L1, L2 & L3 – To cut down/heavily prune to re-form a 12 ft hedge. L9 & H – Leylandii and Holly Tree. To cut down and heavily prune both of them to form a 12 – 14ft hedge. L4, L5, L6, L7, L8 – Leylandii – to remove. S21/1561 Mr L Collins 35 Belton Lane, Great Gonerby Rear single storey extension, double storey side extension, new driveway, detached Garage S21/1904 Kate Draper 54 Green Street, Great Gonerby Non material amendments to permission s21/0881 to amend approved plans to add additional ground floor window. S21/1557 Certificate of Lawful Use or Development Pearl Law 20 Woffindin Close, Great Gonerby - Single storey rear extension b) The Environment NoIssues raised. c) Amenity Areas including Christmas Tree light dates and electricity payment for lights It was agreed the Christmas tree would be in situ between 5th December and 5th January and a payment of £35 would be made in respect of the electricity. d) Highway Matters The Vice Chairman the bus shelter in Kelham road was due a good clean and this is being arranged, Cllr. Chritchley enquired if it possible to close the High Street. Cllr. Maughan advised a request would have to be submitted to LCC Highways. e) Village Social Committee – Village Event for 2022. Cllr Davey requested the Parish Council to fund the cost of the proposed cinema for the Picnic in the Park Event to be held for the Queen’s Jubilee in June 2022. After a discussion a vote was held. Five Councillors were in favour of funding the event with one abstention. This was proposed by Cllr. Critchley and seconded by Cllr. Mavros. 12. Website Update The clerk advised she had attended a LALC refresher course and will do her best to maintain the website going forward. 13. Notice of motions for future Meetings None 14. Any Matters for urgent discussion. None 15. Staff Matters – To review employment contracts and Salaries. Please refer to separate confidential report. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.50


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